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The Trinidad and Tobago Hydrogen Research Collaborative (TTH2RC) is a focused research effort on the advancement and adoption of new hydrogen as part of T&T’s energy mix.It was established as a joint initiative with The University of the west Indies (St. Augustine Campus), The University...

NewGen Energy Limited (NewGen), is 70% owned by Hydrogen de France (HDF) Energy and 30% Kenesjay Green Limited and its local affiliates.  The NewGen Project is strongly aligned to Trinidad and Tobago’s agenda to expand its current and new production capability and to reinforce its...

Roseau, Dominica (October 02, 2024) – The Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Climate Resilience, and Social Security for the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica has announced that Kenesjay Green Ltd. (KGL), a key green energy Caribbean project developer, will conduct the Pre-Feasibility Work for...

The Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL), an energy revolution company dedicated to developing a pipeline of viable decarbonising and green project opportunities across the Caribbean. The companies announced the MOU during the Glasgow...