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Client X PROJECT SCOPING STUDY : Scope 2 Carbon Emissions Reduction

In support of its parent company’s GHG goals, Client X, a long standing tenant at the Point Lisas Industrial Estate in Trinidad has identified near-term strategies and targets to substantially reduce the Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG footprint of its Trinidad operations all by 2028.
Client X has approached Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) to assess the viability of its Scope 2 GHG emissions strategies and targets, and to assist Client X with developing technically and financially viable Scope 2 GHG reduction project options. Scope 2 emissions are classified as those associated with purchased electrical power generated by burning fossil fuels and supplied from the utility grid operator. Trinidad’s utility power grid is operated by T&TEC, the state utility company. Electricity is produced by Independent Power Producer (IPP) generation facilities utilising natural gas feedstock.
Client X is developing a collaboration with Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) to help achieve thier Scope 2 emissions reduction target. KGL proposes herein the adoption of a phased project stage approach to: (i) identify available options that align with the Company’s stated GHG reduction targets; (ii) screen these options according to key value drivers to suggest a preferred development pathway; and (iii) advance the engineering process from early engineering through to commissioning.