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Q & A


Here’s some common questions and our responses to them.

Who is Kenesjay Green Limited?

Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) is a company focused on Green Energy Development,
leading the way in energy transition for the Caribbean. Based in Trinidad and Tobago, the
company is a subsidiary of Kenesjay Systems Limited, and a knowledgeable resource for
innovative ideas and solutions for the greening of the energy sector.

What does Kenesjay Green do?

As a project development company, our highly skilled business developers and energy experts
work collaboratively with local and international partners and investors to keep pace with rapid
and evolutionary developments in green energy, adding value and driving sustainability for the
regional energy industry

What is the Kenesjay Green Vision?

Kenesjay Green Limited will be an active participant within the Caribbean Community to
achieve regional goals for reduced carbon emission, a greener energy sector and sustainable
environmental resources

Why is Kenesjay Green focussed on Green Growth?

As an socially responsible investor, Kenesjay Green is founded on best practices for
 Environmental, Social and Governance, where our drive for economic and business growth is
being achieved simultaneously with environmentally sustainability.

What is the next project being developed by Kenesjay Green Limited?

The nature of the company is to be responsive to needs of the industry – propelling new development and investment in renewable energy and decarbonising of T&T's existing petrochemical industry. The company is spearheading projects in the area of renewables, Green Hydrogen, Green Ammonia and other Green Growth Strategies.

Is Kenesjay Green hiring?

As a commercially driven and expanding enterprise, we will be recruiting as we grow. All
open job vacancies including internships or opportunities for research will be posted on our
social media pages and website.

How do I get more information about Kenesjay Green and the work that you are doing?

Get in contact with us. You can send us an email at We will be happy to respond to your requests in a timely manner.