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NewGen Energy Project

An onset of a Hydrogen Economy for Trinidad & Tobago

NewGen Energy Limited (NewGen), is the launch project of Kenesjay Green Limited and is firmly aligned to Trinidad and Tobago’s agenda to expand its current and new production capability and to reinforce its position as an industry pioneer in innovations for energy transition. NewGen has embarked on the development of a proposed carbon-neutral/green hydrogen production facility – a first for the country.


The NewGen project is centred on the development of the world’s first industrial-scale Carbon Neutral/Green Hydrogen Plant which will produce carbon-neutral hydrogen for downstream processing via a process of water electrolysis. The intent is to supply Low Carbon & Green Hydrogen (H2) to the Tringen  Ammonia Facility in Point Lisas. 


Using world leading engineering design expertise, a detailed bankable Feasibility Study was completed in 2020, which confirmed the technical and commercial viability of the project.  Further studies are underway.  


NewGen Energy Limited is currently 100% locally owned by Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) which is an affiliate of Kenesjay Systems Limited

Funding in the amount of USD $300M-$400M will be sourced from the local private sector, as well as the international investment community.