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The Establishment of the Trinidad and Tobago Hydrogen Research Collaborative (TTH2RC)
The Establishment of the Trinidad and Tobago NEW Hydrogen Research Collaborative
Kenesjay Green Limited (KGL) is establishing The Trinidad and Tobago Hydrogen Research Collaborative (TTH2RC) to deepen its relationship with leading institutions and entities that drive research, innovation and development in this emerging frontier of “New” Hydrogen-i.e. hydrogen that is generated with a lowered or zero carbon footprint. The University of Trinidad and Tobago and the University of the West Indies are the first partners of the Collaborative. Additional entities from the public and private sector are actively considering their participation, and more key partnerships to be announced shortly.
Who Are We?
The Trinidad and Tobago Hydrogen Research Collaborative (TTH2RC) is a focussed research effort on the advancement and adoption of new hydrogen as part of T&T’s energy mix.
Why Do We Exist?
Our goal is to establish T&T as a regional leader in the adoption of new hydrogen through education, public advocacy and applied research, and as part of our transition to a more sustainable, carbon-free future.
What Do We Want to Achieve?
– Contribute to a New Hydrogen Agenda for T&T and its impact on future industrialization efforts
– Stimulate public awareness about the significant advantages in economic development and job creation by encouraging the growth of Green Hydrogen Industries
– Promote research and development to remove barriers to adoption of New Hydrogen technologies, as well as the need for expansion of renewable energy as part of our energy mix.